Monday 3 November 2014

Financial Crisis Rocks Tunde Babalola’s Discovery Airline …Details Of His Adultery Mess With Female Staffs + How Several Pilots Resign Over Unpaid Salary

While others in the aviation industry are smiling to the bank, information scooped has revealed that Discovery airline seems to be falling apart over what insiders tagged as the Airline’s huge debt profile, unprofessional attitude of the egghead among other alleged unwholesome act. 

Sources revealed that the company is presently enmeshed in financial crisis which led to the recent resignation of top pilots who complained the company owes them more than 5 months payment. Discovery Air Chairman, Tunde Babalola’s financial recklessness was alleged to be the genesis of the company’s present predicament. The young man, Tunde allegedly collected some bank loans which he used for his oil business and he didn’t pay back, and when he floated Discovery Airline and asked for banks support they all shut the door in his face judging from his debt record.

Insiders reveal that Babalola’s strong will was what he has been using to push the company forward and all that is falling apart as he is on the verge of losing his company that was incorporated in 2008 on the values of Safety, Effeciency, Comfort and Quality Service.A source hinted that the Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulation knows that the airline is not adhering to the globally recognised safety standard but they have allegedly breached the aviation standard as the Discovery Airline is claimed to have a lot of friends in NCAA.

Some of the indications that the company is not financially capable is the practice perfected by the company to rely on the money it makes on the sales of ticket to fuel the plane, an operation that frequently leads to flight delay and also is the weekly payment of insurance which is a serious breach of aviation regulations.It is also revealed that the two aircrafts owns by the company went for C-Check at the same time which sounded off the company’s battle to maintain its stand in the sector.

Perching birds disclosed that Tunde Babalola’s flirting attitude towards his female staffs has become so unbearable that most have stopped coming to work without proper resignation. It was alleged that it’s a common act to see staffs gathering in a low tone discussing how their MD can’t keep his third leg in its proper place.   

Discovery airline MD, Tunde Babalola was reached via telephone but decline to make comment.   

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